
Showing posts from August, 2012

History of the Malaysian Flag

People are proud to fly the Jalur Gemilang A nationwide competition was held on 29 November 1949 to choose the design for the national flag of the future nation at the behest of the Conference of Rulers with the help of the Federal Legislative Council. Johor government architect Mohammad Hamzah’s design won the day. His original design underwent some amendments and received the approval of the Conference of Rulers on 22 and 23 February 1950. On 19 April 1950, the Federal Legislative Council approved a motion proposed by the Acting Chief-Secretary on the flag design. King George VI approved the flag design on 19 May 1950. The first time the flag of the Federation of Malaya was flown was on the grounds of the palace of the Sultan of Selangor attended by Their Majesties the Malay rulers and the officials of King George VI on 26 May 1950. After the establishment of Malaysia on 16 September 1963, the Federation of Malaya flag was amended in accordance with the entry of Sar

myMetro | Mencari jalan keluar kemelut Rohingya

myMetro | Mencari jalan keluar kemelut Rohingya ...“Penduduk Rohingya digelar sebagai 'kalar' oleh penduduk Rakhine kerana bentuk fizikal, warna kulit dan wajah mereka yang lebih mirip kepada penduduk dari Teluk Benggal berbanding mereka yang berasal dari tanah Arakan. Perkataan 'kalar' ini membawa maksud penghinaan yang sama seperti ungkapan 'nigger' yang diucapkan oleh penduduk berkulit putih Amerika kepada penduduk berkulit hitam suatu masa dulu...

History of Negaraku

History of Negaraku (national anthem) The national song was created in 1957 and was selected by former Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah. The rhythm of “Negaraku” was taken from the rhythm of the state song of Perak.  The state song of Perak in turn was inspired by the song “ Terang Bulan ” that was the favourite song of Sultan Abdullah, the Sultan of Perak when he was in exile on the island of Seychelles.  Negaraku stresses loyalty and unity among the citizens for the development and future of the country. The purpose of this song is to inculcate the spirit of patriotism and a love for the homeland. The idea for creating the National Song arose during preparations for the celebration of the Independence Day. A National Song had to be played during the ceremony of the Declaration of Independence that was set on 31 st August 1957.  Therefore, in February 1957, a competition to compose the national song was