Tunku Abdul Rahman speech at the 1st Muslim Summit 1969

Below is the speech text by the First Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj at the First Muslim Summit at Rabat, Maghribi (Morocco) from September 22-24, 1969. Through this summit, the 25 Islamic country leaders that attended the summit voluntarily agreed to establish Organizations of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on 25 September 1969.
Your Majesties, Your Excellencies:
I must
begin by expressing first of all my profound gratitude to His Majesty King
Hassan II for the invitation he has so graciously extended to hold this Muslim
Summit Conference here in his lovely Capital City of Rabat. The warmth of the reception we have received
and the arrangements made for our comfort have been so well arranged.
I have come
here as a brother in Islam moved by my very deep concern and anxiety for the
holy places of Jerusalem . We are all here at this gathering not as
so-called Arab Muslims or non-Arab Muslims, by simply as brothers in
Islam. The future of Jurusalem is not a
matter between Israel and Jordan only or even between Israel and the other Arab States
only. It is a matter of the deepest
concern for us present around the table but that rather the millions of Muslims
not represented here whether they be in China
or Russia , Thailand or the Philippines ,
Ethiopia , Yugoslavia , Albania
or Cyprus ,
for it is in their interest for us to speak on their behalf as well. For they, like us, must feel equally as we do
the pangs and sorrow caused by the events which had taken place in Jerusalem . This indeed
must be the most important conference held so far in connection with this
question and world attention must inevitably be focused and drawn to what is
taking place here. Everything said will
be taken down and recorded for world consumption and Muslims throughout the
world will act on itu. Let us therefore
discuss the matter with some reasoning and not to be overcome by emotion nor
concern ourselves with affairs of individual countries but rather concentrate
on important issue before us.
At the
Muslim Conference held in Kuala Lumpur in April this year, which is the first
conference of its kind ever held, the issue of Baitul Maqdis was discussed and
the Conference passed resolutions some of which were:
1. This Conference condemns Israel for
having usurped the Arab territories and in particular the Holy City of Baitul
Maqdis, which includes the first Qibla and the third sacred mosque of the
Muslims and place of ascension of the Holy Prophet;
2. Appeals to all Muslim nations to hold as
soon as possible a Conference at high political level to discuss the issue of
Baitul Maqdis in all its aspects.
The present
conference may therefore be regarded as fulfilling e the second paragraph in
that resolution and what is more the mosque referred to in the first paragraph
has been the subject of the worst act of sacrilege known to history and so what
was said of the mosque is almost prophetic.
The sacrilege of the holy mosque has brought is helter-skelter to a
addressing the closing session of that Conference I referred to the situation
in the Middle East as one fraught with danger.
I said then that what was happening in the Middle East was a matter for serious
attention of world powers but that sooner or later it must inevitably draw all
the Muslim nations into the conflict because Muslims regard Jerusalem
as their Holy City .
Muslims everywhere had felt a sense of great loss and tragedy when as a
result of the June 1967 war, Jerusalem fell into
concerned over such a severe setback with the loss of Jerusalem to the Israelis. I had hoped and
prayed that the big powers would be able to settle this conflict before it
explodes into a religious war with incalculable and dire consequences to world
peace. Unfortunately, the powers have not given it the importance it occupies
and so this conference must alert them as to the seriousness of the situation. After
more than two years, the Israelis remain in control of Jerusalem
and have even enacted legislation to incorporate the Holy City
as a part of their State. This is the
matter Muslims of non-Arab race are most deeply concerned. There have been many resolutions passed by
the U.N. on the issue of Jerusalem
and I would like to make some brief references to them here.
“Resolution 242 demanded the withdrawal of Israel
from occupied territories; Termination of all claims to all claims to all
territories occupied;
Guaranteeing freedom of navigation, etc.;
Resolution 252, 1968 reaffirmed that military
conquest is inadmissible;
Deplores the failure of Israel to comply with General
Assembly Resolutions;
Resolution 267 condemns Israel for having changed the status of the City
of Jerusalem
and showing disregard for General Assembly Resolutions;
And on 15th September another
Security Council Resolution 271 was passed which recalled the Resolutions 252
of 21st May, 1968, 267 of 3rd July, 1967 and earlier
General Assembly Resolutions 2253 and 2254 of 4th and 14th
July, 1967 respectively concerning measures and actions on Israel affecting the
status of the City of Jerusalem and reaffirming the established principle that
acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible and declared that
any act of destruction or profanation of the Holy places, religious buildings
and sites in Jerusalem etc…… may seriously endanger international peace and
No one can
deny the fact that Israel
had wantonly and contemptuously disregarded all these resolutions. And I have not the slightest doubt that Israel will
treat whatever resolution which might be made at this conference or U.N. would
be treated in the same way as in previous instances. I have heard the views expressed around this
table and I fully understand the sentiments so expressed without repeating them
here – the best that we could do, in the circumstances as I myself propose to
do, is to project our consensus and our stand to the General Assembly of the
U.N. with a view to winning sympathy and support for the Muslim cause amongst
the countries of the world thereby giving effect to decisions taken here.