Many assumed that if one is not suffering from mental illness it means that he/she is mentally healthy; but that is not true according to mental health physician, because Mental Health is Not an Absence of Mental Illness.

World Health Organization (WHO) defined Mental Health as the ability to maintain harmonious relationship with others, able to take part in community activities, and ability to contribute to community.

The Malaysian Mental Health Policy defines Mental Health as follows: “Mental Health is the capacity of the individual, the group and the environment to interact with one another to promote subjective well being and optimal functioning, and the use of cognitive, affective and relational abilities, towards the achievement of individual and collective goals consistent with justice”.

However, there is no line that neatly divides the mentally healthy from the unhealthy. There are many degrees of mental health. No single characteristic can be taken as evidence of good mental health and nobody has all the traits of good mental health all the time.

Some Characteristics of Mentally Healthy People

They feel good about themselves and… 

·       Are able to deal with most situations.
·       Are able to take pleasure in simple, everyday things.
·       Are able to handle life’s disappointments.
·       Have self-respect.
·       Neither under-estimate nor over-estimate their abilities.
They feel comfortable with other people and… 
·       Are able to give love to others.
·       Have lasting personal relationships.
·       Respect the many differences they find in other people.
·       Are able to feel they are part of a group.
·       Do not take advantage of others nor allow others to take advantage of them.
They are able to meet the demands of life and they…
·       Set realistic goals for themselves.
·       Are able to make their own decisions.
·       Accept their responsibilities.
·       Plan ahead and look forward to the future.
·       Welcome new experiences and ideas.
·       Are satisfied in putting their best effort into what they do. 

Source: Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA)


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